Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grey's Anatomy Monologues & Music Featured Season 2 Episode 5 - 6

Grey's Anatomy Monologues S02E05 - Bring the Pain -
Opening :
Pain, it comes in all forms.
The small twinge, a bit of soreness,
the random pain, the normal pains that we live with everyday.

Then there's the kind of pain you can't ignore.
A level of pain so great that it blocks out everything else;
makes the rest of your world fade away
until all we can think about is how much we hurt.
How we manage our pain is up to us.

We anaesthetize, ride it out, embrace it, ignore it...
and for some of us, the best way to manage pain
is to just push through it. - dr. Meredith Grey -
Music Featured :
Pain, you just have to ride it out,
hope it goes away on its own,
hope the wound that caused it heals.

There are no solutions, no easy answers.
You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside.
Most of the time pain can be managed,
but sometimes the pain gets you when you least expect it,
hits way below the belt and doesn't let up.

Pain, you just have to fight through,
because the truth is you can't outrun it,
and life always makes more. - dr. Meredith Grey -

Grey's Anatomy Monologues S02E06 - Into You Like A Train -
Opening :
In general, people can be categorized in one of two ways,
those who love surprises and those who don't.
I don't. I've never met a surgeon that enjoys a surprise,
because as surgeons, we like to be in the know.

We have to be in the know, because when we aren't,
people die and lawsuits happen.
Am I rambling? I think I'm rambling.
Okay, so my point, actually, and I do have one,
has nothing to do with surprises or death or lawsuits, or even surgeons.

My point is this: whoever said "What you don't know can’t hurt you",
was a complete and total moron.
Because for most people I know,
not knowing is the worst feeling in the world.
Okay, fine. Maybe it's the second worst. - dr. Meredith Grey -
Music Featured :
Closing :
As surgeons, there are so many things we have to know.
We have to know we have what it takes.
We have to know how to take care of our patients...
and how to take care of each other.

Eventually, we even have to figure out how to take care of ourselves.
As surgeons we have to be in the know.
But as human beings, sometimes it's better to stay in the dark,
because in the dark there may be fear, but there's also hope. - dr. Meredith Grey -

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