Sunday, July 10, 2011

Grey`s Anatomy Monologues & Music Featured Season 5 Episode 17- 20

Grey`s Anatomy Monologues S05E17 - I Will Follow You Into the Dark -

Every surgeon I know has, a shadow.
A dark cloud of fear and that follows even
the best of us into the OR.

We pretend the shadow isn’t there hoping that if we save more lives,
master harder techniques, run faster and farther it will get tired
and give up the chase but like they say... you can’t outrun your shadow.- dr. Meredith Grey -.

Music Featured :
Every surgeon has a shadow.
And the only way to get rid of a shadow is to turn off the lights,
to stop running from the darkness and face what you fear, head on.- dr. Meredith Grey -.

Grey`s Anatomy Music Featured S05E18 - Stand by Me -

Surgeons aren’t known for being warm and cuddly.
They’re arrogant, impatient, mean as often as not.
You’d think they wouldn’t have friends cos who could stand them?

But surgeons, are like a bad cold. Nasty, but persistent.
Surgeons: nasty, aggressive, unstoppable, just the kind of people you want
on your side when you’re really screwed.- dr. Meredith Grey -.
Music Featured :
Practicing medicine doesn’t lend itself well to the making of friends.
Maybe because life and mortality are in our faces all  the time.
Maybe because in staring down death everyday,
we’re forced to know that life, every minute is borrowed time.

And each person, we let ourselves care about
is just one more loss somewhere down the line.
For this reason, I know some doctors who just don’t bother making friends at all.

But the rest of us, we make it our job to move that line.
To push each loss as far away as we can.- dr. Meredith Grey -.

Grey`s Anatomy Music Featured S05E19 - Elevator Love Letter -

Surgeons are all messed up. We’re butchers,
messed up knife happy butchers.
We cut people up, we move on.
Patients die on our watch, we move on.

We cause trauma, we suffer trauma.
We don’t have time to worry about all the blood
and death and crap it really makes us feel.- dr. Alex Karev -.

Music Featured :
Closing :
Doesn’t matter how tough we are, trauma always leaves a scar.
It follows us home, it changes our lives, trauma messes everybody up,
but maybe that’s the point.

All the pain and the fear and the crap.
Maybe going through all of that is what keeps us moving forward.
It’s what pushes us. Maybe we have to get a little messed up,
before we can step up.- dr. Alex Karev -.

Grey`s Anatomy Music Featured S05E20 - Sweet Surrender -

Defeat isn’t an option. Not for surgeons.
We don’t back away from the table til the last breaths long gone.
Terminals a challenge, life threatening's what gets us out of bed in the morning.

We’re not easily intimidated, we don’t flinch,
we don’t back down and we certainly don’t surrender,
not at work anyway.- dr. Meredith Grey -.

Music Featured :
To do our jobs we have to believe defeat is not an option.
That no matter how sick our patients get, there’s hope for them.
But even when our hopes give way to reality, and we finally have to surrender to the truth,
it just means we’ve lost to today’s battle, not tomorrow’s war.

Here’s the thing about surrender, once you do it,
actually give in, you forget why you were fighting
in the first place.- dr. Meredith Grey -.

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