Monday, July 4, 2011

Grey`s Anatomy Monologues & Music Featured Season 5 Episode 11- 13

Grey`s Anatomy Monologues S05E11 - Wish You Were Here -

We all get at least one good wish in a year
over the candles on our birthday.
Some of us throw in more, on eyelashes,
fountains, lucky stars.

And every now and then, one of those wishes come true.
So what then? Is it as good as we hoped?
Do we bask in the warm glow of our happiness
or do we just notice we’ve got a long list
of other wishes waiting to be wished.- dr. Meredith Grey -.

Music Featured :
We don’t wish for the easy stuff.
We wish for big things.
Things that are ambitious, out of reach.

We wish because we need help and we’re scared
and we know we may be asking too much.
We still wished though because sometimes they come true.- dr. Meredith Grey -.

Grey`s Anatomy Music Featured S05E12 - Sympathy For the Devil -

My mother used to say this about residency,
“It takes a year to learn how to cut.
It takes a lifetime to learn not to.”

Of all of the tools on the surgical tray,
sound judgment is the trickiest one to master.
And without it, we’re all just toddlers
running around with ten blades.- dr. Meredith Grey -.

Music Featured :
Closing :
We’re human. We make mistakes. We mis-estimate.
We call it wrong. But when a surgeon makes
a bad judgment call, it’s not as simple.

People get hurt. They bleed.
So we struggle over every stitch.
We agonize over every suture because
the snap judgments, the ones that come to us quickly
and easily without hesitation,
they’re the one that haunt us forever.- dr. Meredith Grey -.

Grey`s Anatomy Music Featured S05E130 - Stairway to Heaven -
I believe in heaven. I also believe in hell.
I’ve never seen either, but I believe they exist.
They have to exist because without a heaven,
without a hell, we’re all just headed for limbo. - Denny Duquette -

Music Featured :
Closing :
Heaven, hell, limbo, no one really knows
where we’re going or what’s waiting for us
when we get there.

But the one thing we can say for sure, with absolute certainty,
that’s there are moments that take us to another place, moments of heaven on earth.

And maybe for now, that’s all we need to know. - Denny Duquette -

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