Friday, August 5, 2011

Too distracted to work... the gadget addicts who can't resist taking calls and going on Facebook during office hours

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By Fiona Macrae

Last updated at 12:40 PM on 5th August 2011

Distracted: Gadget addiction is a growing problem among Britain's office workers

Distracted: Gadget addiction is a growing problem among Britain's office workers

Bosses spend millions of pounds on handing out mobile phones, laptops  and BlackBerries to make sure their staff are in constant touch.

But the devices supposed to boost productivity appear to be having the opposite effect.

A survey of more than 1,000 British office workers found that many are so addicted to new technology that they can't help but take phone calls, send text messages and access social networking sites when in meetings.

For some, the lure of being constantly in touch is so strong that they will continue to take calls and listen to messages even when told to switch off their phone or  put away their laptop or iPad by their boss.

Many excuse their bad manners by saying they need to be on top of their work, without realising  the constant distractions are stopping them from doing their job properly.

Software firm questioned 1,140 London office workers about their mobile manners.

It found that during face-to-face meetings, 41 per cent remain glued to their gadgets, texting, listening to voice messages and checking and sending emails.


Almost one in ten post information on social networking sites such as Facebook in meetings.

David Lavenda, of, said: 'It would appear that we have a classic case of double standards in the workplace, with 82 per cent complaining about other people's tendencies to disrupt proceedings by answering a mobile phone, tweeting, sending an instant message, responding to emails or updating their social status.

'Seventy per cent of those that rudely interrupt meetings themselves would be offended if someone did the same thing to them. Clearly, the perceived pressure to stay connected has led many people to neglect their manners.'

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More than a third of office workers questioned said digital distractions make it difficult for them to get through their work

More than a third of office workers questioned said digital distractions make it difficult for them to get through their work

It may also be harming their prospects. A third of those polled said it takes them 20 minutes to buckle back down to work after being distracted by a text message, email or Facebook posting.

More than a third said constant digital distractions make it difficult for them to get through their work and 22 per cent said they struggle to think creatively.

And problems don't go away on leaving work, with 85 per cent saying they check their work emails at the weekend and 74 per cent staying in touch on holiday. Almost half surf the internet while in bed.

Pugh cartoon

Mr Lavenda said: 'Communication and social tools designed to save us time in the office by making us more productive are encroaching upon our personal lives.'

Cary Cooper, professor of organisational psychology and health at Lancaster University, said that electronic communication can easily be misinterpreted because it lacks the intonation, eye contact and body language of the face-to-face variety.

He said: 'I am not saying we should dump the technology but I do think we should manage it, rather than allow it to manage us.'

Research released earlier this week revealed that 60 per cent of teenagers and more than a third of adults are 'highly addicted' to using their mobile phones.

David Miller, of etiquette experts Debrett's, said that answering a call or checking a message when meeting others was 'the height of rudeness'.

He added: 'Colleagues have given up their time to meet and discuss a topic of importance and checking your iPhone or BlackBerry really does show a lack of respect.

'Is that call or text or email so important it can't wait for an hour? Probably not.

'Just because other people do it – and get away with it – doesn't mean it's acceptable.'


05 Aug, 2011

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