Sunday, December 5, 2010

Grey`s Anatomy S07E10 - Adrift and at Peace - Review, Monologues, and Music Featured

The first 24h after surgery are critical.
Every breath you take, every fluid you make
Is meticulously recorded and analyzed...
Celebrated... Or mourned.

But what about the next 24 hours?
What happens when that first day turns to two...
And weeks turn into months?
What happens when the immediate danger
Has passed...

When the machines are disconnected...
And the teams of doctors
and nurses are gone?

Surgery is when you get saved.
But post-op...After surgery...

Is when you heal.
But what if you don't?. -dr.Meredith Grey-

Well there`s not so many to tell about this episode i guess,it`s more comedy,less drama. Who are these writers?. First Cristina a bartender and now she went to fishing?. I love fishing!. Me, Cristina Yang, and Derek can be fishing BFF! :D. Cristina still Cristina even when she`s fishing!, did research and ask Derek to quizzing her. The episode was about healing. I don`t think fishing can healing Cristina haha. But like Derek said fishing supposed to be quite. It`s a relaxing activity. Stop talking, stop worrying, stop thinking. You just waiting and if you lucky fish catch the bait and for 3 minuets you forgot s**t in your life, it`s a big relieved, you feel you win something and the feeling is so good!. The picture where Cristina holding that 21 pound strout, it`s like she through one day and she win it!. And the crying, it`s a process of Cristina healing. Sandra Oh should win award for her acting this season, any award.

Derek and Cristina Fishing

Meredith being jealous that suddenly Cristina and Derek became friends. After Cristina blame her for her traumatized, Meredith doesn`t act like a best friends. She`s being Grey!. My curiosity is answered. Owen was right Meredith is reckless and fearless. Or a little bit nutso. Come on, when you asked someone to shoot you, you must be nuts. And even more you don`t get affected by it and back to work like nothing is happened. I just hope she`s not ending like her mother :(

Miranda Bailey finally win something with a little help i guess :). She cured fistula and a date with a handsome nurse who help her cured fistula! lol. Gotta love Bailey reaction when Eli flirt with her at work haha. My favourite character after Cristina Yang. I hope Daniel Sunjata ( nurse Eli ) become regular. They need a nurse character on the show and who could do that better that Daniel? :D

Are we have another Denny Duquette here?. Teddy offer a patient Henry (Scott Foley) to marry him so she can help him continue his treatment cause she has medical insurance and he doesn`t. I thought it`s against a law marry someone for insurance?. My guessing with this issue we`ll see more drama with this ship or a little "McStreamy" perhaps? lol. And love in the end of course. But i feeling Teddy has a little crush first time they`re met. Scott Foley is breathtaking and i want to see him regular:D, but i guess that`s wont happened :(

Scott Foley as Henry

Mark Misses Lexie and he got it! hahaha. I like see them together but i don`t think they`re will be forever couple like Mer-Der. Mark probably will slip a couple times and little Lexie couldn't`t handle it.

Mark play it cool

I think Callie using Alex to get revenge with Arizona,don`t you think?. Trying to steal Alex from pediatrics. The end is cliffhanger. Arizona came back gives Callie a speech in hoarse voice, my guessing it`s because African fever LOL. Long speech but Arizona forgot one magic word "I`m sorry". I think Callie still confuse what just happening, that`s why she slammed the door. However She did the right thing though.

The goal of any surgery is total recovery...
To come out better than you were before.
Some patients heal quickly and
feel immediate relief.

For others the healing happens gradually.
And it's not until months
or even years later.

That you realize,
You don't hurt anymore.
So the challenge after any surgery
Is to be patient.

But if you can make it through the
first weeks and months...
If you believe that healing is possible...
Then you can get your life back.

But that's a big if. -dr.Meredith Grey-

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